Export Data Node

Export Data Node

Export Data Node 

Use the Export Data Node to export document indexing data from a Workflow and send it either to a CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file or SQL database. The Node can make a CSV file of a document’s Index Field data (including table data and system data) and place that file in a specified directory, or it can export to an existing SQL database. Either choice allows users to export data that could then be shared with third-party business applications.

Note that if the document record includes a Table Field, the document’s header index data will be repeated once for each row it contains, then again for each Table Field row. This allows all rows of data for a document to be seen in a CSV Export.

Export Data Node Settings dialog.

  1. Drag an Export Data Node from the Nodes Pane to the Design Canvas.

  2. In the Export Data Node Settings dialog that appears, enter a unique name and a description for the Node.

  3.  in the Export Type group, select either CSV or SQL.

    • CSV – Select to export to CSV. In the Export Path text box, specify the file, including the server UNC or local export path for the directory that will receive the CSV data. (For example, C:\GetSmart\GCWFExport\APPOs\appos.csv.) To include column header titles along with the data, enable Include Column Headers. This would appear as the first line in the CSV file. To append the document to an existing file, enable Append to Existing. If this is not selected, each document processed will create a new CSV file, with unique name in case of duplicates.

    • SQL – Select to export to SQL. Enter the connection string for the SQL instance that will receive the document data. The SQL release will create a table for header data and a table for line-item details. Note that the service account running the capture service will require access to the database unless you have provided credentials in the connection string. Also note that data from all GlobalCapture System Fields are exported to the SQL table.

  4. Click Save.

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