User Management

User Management

Administrators can create, modify, and delete Square 9 Users in GlobalCapture.

Users are secured to GlobalCapture using Active Directory authentication or using Square 9 Users created in GlobalCapture. When creating, modifying, or deleting a user, the Notifications () icon will appear in the toolbar. You can click to view the messages.  If you are using the GlobalForms® web-based forms application, a notification will appear if a GlobalForms Portal exists in GlobalCapture, but is unable to make a connection. If a connection is made, any changes to the Square 9 User authentication settings in GlobalCapture will be changed in GlobalForms as well.

Create Square 9 Users

    1. To create a Square 9 User, click the Manage (Manage Icon) button from the GlobalCapture home page or the Manage ( ) icon in the toolbar.

    2. In the Manage interface that appears, click User Management.

    3. Click the Add () button found in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A new user card will appear.

      Square 9 User interface.

    4. Enter a username.

    5. Enter a password and then confirm the password. The Square 9 User password must be 6 to 18 characters in length.

    6. Optionally, enter one or both User Properties. You can enter the specific information or use S9 Notation to dynamically add user information. When using S9 Notation, replace "Username" appropriately.
      Note that these be references when using Set Process Fields and and Email Nodes. Also note that they are not case sensitive.

      • Email – Enter an email address for the user. The field is alphanumeric and must contain "@domain." 

      • Mobile – Enter a mobile phone number for the user. The field is numeric, with a maximum length of 16 digits.

    7. Click Save to create the Square 9 User.
      If GlobalCapture is connected to a GlobalForms Portal, the user will be created in GlobalForms as well.

Modify Square 9 Users

  1. To change a Square 9 User’s password, click the More Options () icon for the selected user from the User Management list and select Edit.

  2. Enter the new password and then confirm it. The password must be 6 to 18 characters in length.
    Square 9 Users can also change their own password from the Settings interface.

  3. Click Save to save the changes.

Delete Square 9 Users

  1. To delete a user, click the More Options () icon for the selected user and click Delete.

  2. Because this will permanently delete the user, enter the displayed text in the Confirm Action prompt.

  3. Click Delete.

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