Export Data Node
Export Data Node
Use the Export Data Node to export document data from a GlobalAction Workflow and send it either to a CSV file or SQL database. This allows you to export document data (including Table Field Data), which could then be shared with third-party line-of-business applications.
- Drag an Export Data Node from the Nodes Pane to the Design Canvas.
- The Export Data Node Settings dialog box will appear.
- Enter a unique name for the Node in the Title text box.
- Enter a description in the Description text box.
- To select the format for exporting data, in the Export Type group, select a type:
- To select the CSV type, click CSV.
- Specify server UNC or local path for the directory that will receive the CSV data in the Export Path text box.
- To include column headers, enable Include Column Headers.
- To append the document to an existing one, enable Append to Existing.
- If this is disabled, each document processed will cause the creation of a new CSV file
- If this is disabled, each document processed will cause the creation of a new CSV file
- To select the SQL type, click SQL
- Enter the connection string for the SQL instance that will receive the document data in the Connection String text box.
- The SQL release will create a table for header data and a table for line-item detail.
- The service account running the capture service will require access to the database unless you have provided credentials in the connection string
- Click Save.
Export Data Node Settings
Note: If the document record includes a Table Field, the document’s header index data will be repeated once for each row it contains, then again for each Table Field row. This allows all rows of data for a document to be seen in a CSV Export.