Create Square 9 Users

Create Square 9 Users

  1. To create a Square 9 User, in the Users & Groups panel of the Square 9 User Administration section, click the Edit tab, then click the Users button.

  2. In the edit users panel, provide an email address, password, and password confirmation.  Note that username must conform to a valid email address.

  3. Click Add User.

  • Administrators may override the requirement to use email address as the GlobalSearch username, but this is not recommended.

  • The default password complexity for users now requires that a password must contain 8-20 characters, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 digit, and 1 symbol (@#$%).  Cloud customers may request changes of enforcement rules through support, and the administrator can modify the rules in on premise environments.  The the following to your environment's config.json to override password rules:

    "customPasswordRegex": "^((?=.*\\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[@#$%]).{8,20})$"

To edit properties of an existing user, select the user in the list and edit any properties in the right side panel.  Note, once a USER account is created, it can not be renamed.  If a user's account name needs to change, create a new account for that user.

To delete users, select one or more accounts in the user list.  Click the Delete button to remove the users.  You will be prompted to confirm your decision before users are deleted.

Use the Clear button to deselect and users that are selected.  Note that users will remain selected even when filtered.  If you are filtering the user list, ensure you know what user accounts are selected prior to performing a destructive operation like Delete.

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