Annotate Document

Annotate Document

A common ask in approval workflows is to stamp a document approved when the document has completed the process. Live Fields solves this problem by calling the GlobalSearch API to add a new annotation to the active document. This is an advanced example designed to illustrate the power of Live Fields as a feature.

The top of this script includes 4 default parameters that should be changed to fit a customer’s specific environment. The values here must match exactly or results will be unexpected. Unless you are comfortable with authoring and debugging Javascript, a rule of this complexity shouldn’t be altered outside of setting the default parameters.

//Change these defaults const approvalStatusField = "Approval Status APWF"; //The name of the list we are checking. const fieldTriggerValue = "Approved"; //The list value that triggers annotation placement. const fieldCompleteValue = "Release to Dynamics"; //The list value to change it to on approval. const stampValue = "Approved"; //The text of the stamp. const doc = $$inject.properties.document; if (doc.id === 0) { return "Approval flow disabled during import."; } const token = $$inject.properties.authToken; const approvalKey = 'approval-' + doc.hash; var hasStoredApprovalKey = !!sessionStorage.getItem(approvalKey); const approvalValue = $$inject.fields[approvalStatusField]; //debugger; // Clear the session key if the document is not approved, so that it can be reset without a new session. if (hasStoredApprovalKey && approvalValue !== fieldTriggerValue && approvalValue !== fieldCompleteValue) { console.debug("LiveField: Clearing annotated session flag, document is no longer approved."); sessionStorage.removeItem(approvalKey); hasStoredApprovalKey = false; } const needsStamp = !hasStoredApprovalKey && approvalValue == fieldTriggerValue; if (!needsStamp) { console.debug("LiveField: Skipping annotation, document doest not require stamp."); return 'Document does not require stamp.'; } const annotationData = { "0": [ { "type": "stamp", "x": 816.1113834891682, "y": 1565.9614899051453, "height": 401.76366322008863, "width": 856.0945347119645, "rotation": 319, "username": "", "cornerradius": 0, "burn": false, "outline": { "color": "#f08080", "opacity": 1, "width": 15 }, "fill": { "color": "", "opacity": 0 }, "text": { "value": stampValue, "align": "left", "font": { "bold": true, "italic": false, "strike": false, "underline": false, "color": "#f08080", "family": "Arial", "size": 140 } } } ], "hasBurned": false } const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("PUT",window.location.origin + "/square9api/api/UpdateDocument/databases/"+doc.databaseId+"/archive/"+doc.archiveId+"/document/"+doc.id+"/AnnotationData?pageCount=1&filename="+doc.fileId, false); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.setRequestHeader("auth-token", token); xhr.setRequestHeader("secureid", doc.hash); xhr.setRequestHeader("session-actions","annotationdata"); xhr.setRequestHeader("session-id","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type","application/json;charset=UTF-8"); xhr.setRequestHeader("accept","application/json, text/plain, */*"); xhr.send(JSON.stringify(annotationData)); console.debug("LiveField: Added approval stamp, storing session flag."); sessionStorage.setItem(approvalKey, true); // Update the field value to approved and save in 2 seconds. $$inject.fields[approvalStatusField] = fieldCompleteValue; console.debug("LiveField: Setting approved and saving."); setTimeout(()=>{ // Ensure annotation is loaded to viewer. angular.element(document).injector().get('annotationsService').reload(); },0); return "Approval stamp added. Document Approved.";

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