Square9.CustomNode SDK

Square9.CustomNode SDK

The Square9.CustomNode namespace provides classes for working with data and documents in Action and Capture based workflow processes.  Developers can reference Square9.CustomNode in a .Net Framework class library, most commonly using C# or VB.Net.  Numerous code examples are available in Square 9's GitHub Repo.


  • Properties Class

    Represents the properties of a process, containing methods for getting and setting property values.

  • Database Class

    Represents a connected MongoDB database, containing functions for interacting with the processes within MongoDB.

  • ActionDocument Class

    Represents the document of an ActionProcess, containing properties with GlobalAction document information.  Data loaded into this class by the Engine can be used to access specific details 

  • ActionEngine Class

    Represents the executing GlobalAction engine, containing methods and properties pertaining to engine information.

  • ActionImporter Class

    Base object from which custom Action Importers derive and define behavior.  Inherit from this class for any node that will begin a GlobalAction workflow process.

  • ActionNode Class

    Base class from which GlobalAction Nodes derive and define behavior.  Inherit from this class when building any GlobalAction node that will operate on a process after a document has entered a workflow.

  • ActionProcess Class

    Represents a GlobalAction process in memory, containing properties, methods and classes for use in process manipulation.

  • CaptureDocument Class

    Represents the document of a GlobalCapture process, containing methods and properties for interaction with a GlobalCapture document.

  • CaptureEngine Class

    Represents the executing GlobalCapture engine, containing methods and properties pertaining to engine information.

  • CaptureImporter Class

    Base object from which custom Capture Importers derive and define behavior.  An Importer in GlobalCapture is used to inject documents into a workflow.  Inherit from this class to create Nodes that start a GlobalCapture workflow.

  • CaptureNode Class

    Base class from which GlobalCapture Nodes derive and define behavior.  A Node in GlobalCapture can be used anywhere in the workflow after a document has been imported and the Process has been created.  Inherit from this class to create Nodes that take actions or make decisions on processes in a GlobalCapture workflow.

  • CaptureProcess Class

    Represents a GlobalCapture process in memory, containing properties, methods and classes for use in process manipulation.

  • CustomNode Class

    Base class from which Custom Nodes derive and define behavior.

  • Database Class

    Represents a connected MongoDB database, containing functions for interacting with the processes within MongoDB.

  • Engine Class

    Represents the executing engine, containing methods and properties pertaining to engine information.

  • GlobalSearchDocument Class

    Represents a GlobalSearch document associated with a GlobalAction custom node.

  • Process Class

    Represents a process in memory, containing properties, methods and classes for use in process manipulation.

  • ProcessFilter Class

    Abstract class representing a process filter, for use in combining into a process query.

  • ProcessTypeFilter Class

    Represents a process filter by process type.

  • Properties Class

    Represents the properties of a process, containing methods for getting and setting property values.

  • PropertyFilter Class

    Represents a process filter by property.

  • Setting Class

    Represents a node setting controlled by custom node interfaces within GlobalCapture.

  • Settings Class

    Represents the settings set by a custom node, containing methods for retrieving setting values.

  • StatusFilter Class

    Represents a process filter by process status.

  • WorkflowNameFilter Class

    Represents a process filter by workflow name.


Designing Custom Node HTML

One of the many benefits of Custom Nodes is the ability to manage their settings and configuration from within the GlobalCapture designer.  The node.html file should be added to any Custom Node package.



  • AddHistory Method

    Adds a history entry to the Process.  Use the history to notate import events in the process lifecycle that users or admins might need for troubleshooting or audit history.

  • AddPage Method

    Adds a file page to the process.

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