CaptureProcess Class

CaptureProcess Class

Represents a GlobalCapture process in memory, containing properties, methods and classes for use in process manipulation.

public class CaptureProcesss : Process


The following example clears pages from the document associated with the CaptureProcess.

public class ExampleCaptureNode : CaptureNode
    public override void Run()


Classes derived from CaptureNode automatically have access to the executing process as a CaptureProcess class. Additionally, CaptureProcesses are potentially returned from methods that return a Process base class, such as GetProcessById or GetProcessesByProperty. This process may be casted to an CaptureProcess like so:

var process = Database.GetProcessById(1);
if (process is CaptureProcess captureProcess) 

Changes made to the Process class on CustomNode classes are saved automatically at the conclusion of the node.

Processes returned from methods are held in memory unless inserted or updated in the database using Database methods.

Files associated with processes are held in cache for the lifetime of the custom node execution and can be manipulated through methods or directly within the file system according to the file paths within the process. These files are only changed or created if the process is saved back to the database.


Represents the properties of a process, containing methods for getting and setting property values.

Represents the document of a GlobalCapture process, containing methods and properties for interaction with a GlobalCapture document.

int Id

Id of the process.

ProcessType ProcessType

Type of the process.

dynamic Workflow

Dynamic object containing the workflow that this process is based on. Changes made to this object will not be saved. 


Adds a history entry to the Process.  Use the history to notate import events in the process lifecycle that users or admins might need for troubleshooting or audit history.

Gets the currently executing process from the engine in dynamic object form.

Overwrites the current process with the provided dynamic process object.

Sets the current node of a process to a new node by name.

Sets the ProcessStatus of the process.

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