Database Class
Database Class
Represents a connected MongoDB database, containing functions for interacting with the processes within MongoDB.
public class Database
The following example clears the pages from a specific process in the database.
public class ClearPages : CustomNode { public override void Run() { var process = Database.GetProcessById(1); process.Document.ClearPages(); Database.UpdateProcess(process); } }
DeleteProcessById Method — Deletes a process from the process database by process ID.
GetProcessById Method — Gets a Process from the process database by process ID.
GetProcessesByProperty Method — Queries the MongoDB database for a list of Processes that satisfy a property match.
GetProcessesByQuery Method — Queries the MongoDB database for a list of Processes based on a query of combined ProcessFilters.
GetProcessesByStatus Method — Queries the MongoDB database for a list of Processes of a specific status.
GetProcessesByWorkflowName Method — Queries the MongoDB database for a list of Processes from a specific workflow.
InsertProcess Method — Inserts a new Process into the process database.
UpdateProcess Method — Updates an existing Process in the process database.
, multiple selections available,
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