GetTableFieldValues Method

GetTableFieldValues Method

Gets the table field values of a table field process property.

public Dictionary<string, List<string>> GetTableFieldValues(string name);

Classes: Properties


string name

Name of the property to get.


Dictionary<string, List<string>>

Table field values of the property.


The following example demonstrates adding a row of data to a table field property. The table data is returned from the GetTableFieldValues method as a Dictionary<string, List<string>>. The key of the dictionary represents a column field's name, and the value of the dictionary represents the cells of data belonging to that column. The example table field property has two columns, and a new cell is inserted into each with values corresponding to the name of the column field.

var tableData = Process.Properties.GetTableFieldValues("Table Field");
var cellOneValue = "100";
var cellTwoValue = "200";
foreach (var column in tableData)
    switch (column.Key)
        case "Cell One": // Column field is named "Cell One"
        case "Cell Two": // Column field is named "Cell Two"
Process.Properties.SetTableFieldProperty("Table Field", tableData);


If the target property is not a table field property, this method will throw an InvalidOperationException.

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