Server name change, IP change, SQL Server instance change (Legacy Article.)

Legacy Article.

This is a legacy article created in relation to using software upgrade installers before GlobalSearch 6.1 and GlobalCapture 2.4. This article is no longer relevant when using an upgrade installer that is 6.1/2.4 or higher. This is because new upgrades and hot fixes do not overwrite existing config files anymore. You can now change the config files and the changes will stay from upgrades and hotfixes. You can refer to our SSL switch over guide for the list of configuration files. These files can be edited for any of the changes listed on this page. This is not related to the versions you are upgrading from. This is only in relation to the upgrade installers being used. Square9 gives out the latest versions of upgrade installers for media.


  • Server name change (uninstall re-install)

  • Server IP change (Short term config file change possible, or uninstall re-install)

  • SQL Server instance change (uninstall re-install)

  • Authentication type change, domain to local. (uninstall re-install)

    • Domain to new Domain (uninstall re-install)

  • You installed using the SQL SA password and now you need to change the SA password. (uninstall re-install)

All of these scenarios are grounds for an uninstall re-install of GlobalSearch.


This is because on the initial install of GlobalSearch and GlobalCapture there are many config files, registry files, connection strings, SQL location references, domain references, IP addresses and in some cases password files written. These files will revert to their original state during an upgrade or hot fix. Which even though your system may not be functional due to one of the changes listed above. If you don’t perform the uninstall re-install. It will be not functional the next time you need to be perform an upgrade. Which would lead to even more down time for your system in the future.

You’re config files on your server are tied to this information along with windows registry items. It is not supported to edit windows registry items.

  • Server IP change (Short term config file change possible, or uninstall re-install)

If you were to change your server IP for example and all of your config files are tied to that IP then your instance of GlobalSearch will stop working. While you may be able to apply a short term fix by editing the config files to a new IP. This is not recommended. As any upgrade will revert the files back to their original state at install. A uninstall re-install would be recommended.

Config files:

  • Authentication type change, domain to local. (uninstall re-install)

    • Domain to new Domain (uninstall re-install)

In addition to an uninstall re-install you may need to take further action in the SQL databases for permission issues. This will happen when you are performing an Authentication type change. This information is from our migration guide.

  1. Unless your users/groups are named exactly the same between the old authentication server and the new authentication server, you're going to have to redo your GlobalSearch security. If "jdoe" was given access to XYZ archives, but there's no "jdoe" in the new authentication server, then: 1) the security for jdoe will persist, and 2) the user it's intended for may not have permissions. Which again would result in having to redo your security.

  2. On the new server, remove all references to the SSAdministrator user and SSAdmin group from the SQL instance security and from the database security for all migrated databases (including any system databases such as master).

    1. This can be easily done from SQL Server Management Studio by expanding each database, then navigating to Security > Users. If a login for the SSAdministrator is present, right-click on it and select Delete. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the deletion.

  3. If you are not using the same SQL server as before, edit the values for "ConnectionString" in the tables SSMaster.dbo.ssConnectionStrings and SSCapture.dbo.ssConnectionStrings.

    1. For example, if the existing connection string for the GetSmart database says "Data Source=(local)\GETSMART;Initial Catalog=SmartSearch;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;" but the new SQL instance is named "Square9" instead, then the new connection string should say "Data Source=(local)\SQUARE9;Initial Catalog=SmartSearch;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;"

    2. Please note that the only connection string property that should be edited is "Data Source". All other properties should remain the same. Incorrectly editing this connection string could result in a failed and/or unsupportable GlobalSearch or GlobalCapture installation.

Migration guide:

  • You installed using the SQL SA password and not you need to change the SA password. (uninstall re-install)

The best method to solve this would again be an uninstall reinstall that would update all necessary config files. Make sure you do so with Search, Capture and the Capture engine. The SA password should not be changed until after the uninstall is complete. Then you can do into SQL change the SA password. Install with the new SA password.

This is example of the connection string I’m referring to so you can see why the uninstall reinstall is necessary


<connectionStrings> <add connectionString="Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SSCapture;User id=sa;Password=globalsearch2;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Pooling=False;" name="GetSys"></add> </connectionStrings>


Even after an uninstall reinstall this connection string will still need to be updated in your SQL tables for dbo.ssConnectionStrings mentioned in the migration guide.



During an upgrade you will lose your SSL configuration. This will need to be manually configured again using the SSL configuration guide. Do not copy the old files and paste them into the newly upgrade system. Coding lines in the config files change version to version. You do not need to uninstall re-install for SSL.


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