GlobalSearch & GlobalCapture Logging

Locating Log Files

In the event of an issue, your Square 9 Support Technician may ask for a variety of logs to be sent over for analysis. Here are the types of logs they may ask for, what application they are associated with, and where to find them.

GlobalSearch Desktop Client Error Log

  • General, all-purpose error log that handles all faults in ssinterface.exe including login and REST issues.

  • Found on both server and client applications

  • Location: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Square_9_Softworks\GlobalSearch\ErrorLog.log

GlobalSearch Extensions Log

  • Log.txt location example: C:\Users\JOE\AppData\Local\Square_9_Softworks\GlobalSearch_Extensions\log.txt

GlobalCapture Engine Log

  • This log is a transcription of all actions being taken in the GlobalCapture Engine.

  • Found only on the Engine server. One log per engine exists.

  • Location: C:\GetSmart\CaptureServices\GlobalCapture_<ENGINE#>\captureLog.log

  • Take a copy of this file before editing it for verbose logging. C:\GetSmart\CaptureServices\GlobalCapture_1    Square9.GlobalCapture.exe.config

  • This line <add key="VerboseWorkflowLog" value="false"></add> can be changed from false to true. Then you will need to restart the GlobalCapture_1 service. If you have more than one engine any config file you modify requires an engine restart. When you are done looking at the verbose log, remember to change it back to false.

GlobalAction Log

  • This log is a transcription of all actions being taken in the GlobalAction Engine.

  • Found only on App Server

  • Location: C:\GetSmart\Workflow.log for versions prior to 2.2 C:\GetSmart\ActionServices\GlobalAction_<ENGINE#>\actionlog for versions 2.2 and later.

  • Take a copy of this file before editing it for verbose logging. C:\GetSmart\ActionServices\GlobalAction_1   Square9.GlobalAction.exe.config

  • This line <add key="VerboseWorkflowLog" value="false"></add> can be changed from false to true. Then you will need to restart the GlobalAction_1 service. If you have more than one engine any config file you modify requires an engine restart. When you are done looking at the verbose log, remember to change it back to false.

Mongo Log

  • This log is a transactional log of everything happening in the Mongo Database. Records varying levels of data based on what logging level is enabled.

  • Found only on App Server

  • Location: C:\GetSmart\Mongodb\logs\mongo.log


  • Logs application data related to IIS and all of it's app pools and subprocesses

  • IIS Log files can be configured to log varying amounts of data, and can be turned on or off in Programs & Features

  • Their location is configured within the IIS Web Management Console - MORE INFO HERE

  • Default Location: C:\inetpub\logs

License Manager Log

  • Logs errors for SSLicenseClean service.

  • Found only on App Server.

  • Such as “The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden.” That is caused by not having your SSLicenseClean config file updated when using SSL.  

  • Default Location: C:\GetSmart\Square9LicenseManager.log (Version 5 and below)

  • C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\License manager\Square9LicenseManager.log (Version 6 and up)

GlobalForms Log

Logging for GlobalForms should only be enabled temporarily and should only be done for good reason.

  • By default GlobalForms does not create any logs, and typically logging for GlobalForms is not as common as the output tends to be overly verbose.

    • You can enable logging for GlobalForms by:

      • Stop the GlobalForms service in the Windows Service manager interface

      • Open a command prompt (command prompt, not a powershell window)

      • In command prompt, Navigate to your GlobalForms directory (by default C:\GlobalForms)

      • Start GlobalForms with all logging enabled using the following command:

        set DEBUG=* & node main

        To output this into log files. Only have this running into log files for troubleshooting.

      • cd C:\GlobalForms set DEBUG=* node main >> output.log 2> error.log
  • Output.log will have what you see when you launch GF in console without debugging, error.log will have everything else.

Catalina Log

  • Captures issues related to the Tomcat server running GlobalForms.

    1. Found only on GlobalForms Server

    2. Logs may be separated by date

    3. Location: C:\GlobalForms<yourVersion>\tomcat\logs\catalina.log

Frevvo Log

  • Captures issues related to the Frevvo LiveForms application.

    1. Found only on GlobalForms Server

    2. Logs may be separated by date

    3. Location: C:\GlobalForms<yourVersion>\tomcat\logs\Frevvo.log

Some of these logs may be large and may need to be compressed to send over email.

Removing Log Files

In almost all cases, large log files can be deleted to free up space. It is recommended you keep the most recent logging, but old log files can take up unnecessary amounts of space and can be deleted without any repercussions relating to application function. A better, more non-destructive way to address this may be to zip up and compress these log files periodically, especially in the event the logs are required for future auditing.

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