View Document History

The Document History panel shows the history of a single selected document, with each action taken displayed as an entry in the list. The entries are presented in a single page, sorted from most recent changes to oldest. Each entity in the list displays an action icon, the username of the person who performed the action, the date/time that the action was performed, and the Document ID number. If you need to need to focus on only certain types of actions, you can click the icon for one or more entities to toggle the filter on or off for that type of action. These are contextual; each action type has its own icon.

Note that using the Document History filter requires View History permissions and is only available when your Search Mode is Grid View.

View the History of Actions Taken on a Document

  1. To view a history of actions taken on a document, click the Document History () icon, found to the right of the Document List, or click Grid Menu () and click Document History from there.

  2. Click on the Document Thumbnail icon for the selected record. (The icon is contextual and depends on the document file type.) Note that you will see a message if no document was selected or if there is no history for the document yet. Once the Document History pane is open, you can simply click on another Document Thumbnail icon to view the history of that document in the Search Results List.

  3. Click the Close  ( X ) icon to close the Document History panel when you are done.

Filter Document History

To filter to a shorter, more focused list of actions, refer to the filtering options outlined in the View Archive History section.

Archive History Panel

Using the Document History Toolbar

The toolbar provides a visual way to quickly filter down document history. Click on one or more action icons in the Document History toolbar to the right. (The icon will be grayed out to let you know that it is being filtered out of your results.) Use the Up and Down arrows to scroll through the list of available actions. Actions include:

  • Export History () – Click to export the entire history of the selected document to a CSV file. Use this to retain a history log for documents in a spreadsheet, for example. The file will include the following fields:

    • DatabaseID – Identifies the database the document resides in.

    • DocumentID – Identifies the current document ID number.

    • ArchiveID – Identifies the Archives that the document currently resides in.

    • OldDocID – Identifies past document ID numbers for the document.

    • OldArchiveID – Identifies past Archive ID numbers that the document once lived in.

  • Refresh ()  – Click to refresh the list of History actions after changing filter settings.

  • Filter All On ( Click to remove all filters set for the list. (No filters applied is the default setting.)

  • () – Click to apply all filters to the list of entities.

  • Annotations () – Click to filter out steps where annotations have been added, edited, or subtracted on documents.

  • Appended (+) – Click to filter out steps where documents have been appended.

  • Check-in/Check-out ( ) – Click to filter out steps where documents have been checked in or checked out.

  • Converted () – Click to filter steps where documents have been converted to the PDF file format.

  • Copied () – Click to filter out steps where documents have been copied.

  • Deleted (–  Click to filter out steps where documents have been deleted.

  • Email () – Click to filter out steps where documents have been emailed.

  • Exported () – Click to filter out steps where documents have been exported.

  • Indexed () – Click to filter out steps where documents have been indexed.

  • Moved () – Click to filter out steps where documents have been moved from an Inbox or Archive.

  • Printed () – Click to filter out steps where documents have been printed. 

  • Published/Unpublished () – Click to filter out steps where documents that have been published or unpublished.

  • Replaced/Updated () – Click to filter out steps where documents have been replaced or updated.

  • Viewed () – Click to filter out steps where documents have been viewed in the Document Viewer.

  • Versioning () – Click to filter out steps where versions of documents have been created.

Hover your mouse pointer over the icon to see the name of the action. Click again to remove the filter.