Important Changes

While we do our best to ensure forward compatibility, existing customers should take note of the following changes that have the potential to impact existing workflows.

  • Version 2.3 introduces the ability for a single workflow to have multiple import nodes.  Existing customers may wish to leverage this feature in an effort to decrease the number of production workflows they need to manage.  Customers who scan using the Square 9 scan interface, or customers who scan with one of Square 9's multi-function device integrations should note that documents will enter the workflow at the first Import Node added to the workflow.

  • In previous versions, files of specific electronic formats (RTF, HTML, HTM, CSV, TXT) would be skipped when passing through a Convert node configured for PDF output.  This oversight was corrected in version 2.3.  Now files of these types WILL ALWAYS convert to PDF when passing through the node, specifically for conversion types of PDF.  If a customer wishes to prevent this behavior, use a conditional check to determine file type and skip the Convert node for these files.

  • Formats are now considered when using Set Field / Set Process Field nodes on date and decimal fields.  When setting data between fields, workflow designers should ensure the formats between those fields are the same, or the values are unformatted.  Depending on your use case and validation requirements, it may make sense to capture / extract date and decimal data points to character fields in capture before releasing to a properly typed field in the target system.

  • When creating new GlobalForms mappings, borders are now off by default for all fields.  In previous version of the mapping tool, borders were on by default for new mappings.  We believe the new behavior is more consistent with the user's expected result, but the behavior can be overridden if desired by clicking the Border button in the toolbar.

  • GlobalForms licenses are now enforced.  A customer can only publish workflows with forms if the current number of published workflows that includes a form is below the licensed count.

  • The GlobalCapture installer will detect if GlobalForms is installed locally and add the PDF Snapshot directory into the Capture API web.config and Capture Engine config. However if GlobalForms server is installed at a later time or it is available on another server (within the same network) the default config entry added by the installer <add key="SnapshotPath" value="C:\GlobalForms\PDFsnapshots"></add> will need to be manually adjusted. e.g. <add key="SnapshotPath" value="<YOUR_PATH_TO_GLOBALFORMS>\PDFsnapshots"></add> or a UNC path to the PDFsnapshots folder. Similarly, all remote engine installs will need to have the UNC server path entry manually set.