Products that have reached end of support or end of life.

  1. DocumentWorkflow / Work xchange

    1. Replaced with Global Action

    2. If you wish to remake your workflows instead of running the converter tool. A stepped upgrade to 4.5.2.x would be necessary as 4.5.2.x is the last version that supported document workflow. You will want to review your workflows after running the converter tool to optimize them.

    3. Work XChange Migration

  2. Capture Workflow

    1. Replaced with Global Capture.

    2. A stepped upgrade to 2.3.x or lower would be necessary for the convert tool.

    3. Converter tool up to 2.3.x.

  3. App Extender

    1. Replaced with Global Search Extensions.

  4. Frevvo Forms


    2. As of 01/01/21 Square 9 no longer supports Frevvo Forms.
      Please contact Frevvo support,

    3. Customers who are looking to transition from the Frevvo platform to GlobalForms 10 should contact their Square 9 Certified Reseller or Square 9 Regional Sales Director for more information.

    4. GlobalSearch 5.x is the last version to have a Frevvo Forms mapper. There is no longer a Frevvo Forms mapper after GlobalSearch 5.x.

    5. As of 2.4.113, the ability to select import from Frevvo has been removed from the GlobalCapture import node. Existing workflows are expected to function, though new workflows cannot be created.

    6. As of 3.0 all functionality with Frevvo Forms has been removed.

  5. Global Search 5.x and previous Desktop client.

    1. Replaced with Global Search 6.1.x and above Desktop client.

  6. Image Xchange desktop client.

    1. Replaced with Global Search Extensions Image Xchange.

  7. MFP Connectors:

    1. Square 9 has taken a universal approach to MFP connectors with the introduction of DirectConnect and DirectConnect CTS. As a result GlobalCapture Connectors for the following multifunctional printers: Konica Minolta bEST, Sharp OSA, and Xerox will no longer be offered and support for these connectors will end on January 1, 2023.

  8. GlobalSync

    1. This product has been deprecated. There is no replacement.

  9. QBMenus

    1. QBMenus are no longer being maintained. QBMenus is a product suite that includes QuickScan, QuickTicket, and QuickLinks. These products are considered deprecated and will not receive any coding changes. There is no replacement.

  10. The Analytics Portal

    1. The Analytics Portal is removed and support for it is dropped with GlobalCapture 3.0.

  11. Error Import Node

    1. This node has been deprecated and replaced with the error recovery node.

  12. Call Assemblies

    1. Call Assemblies are no longer supported in all versions of GlobalCapture.

    2. Call Assemblies have been deprecated in place of Custom Nodes, which are supported in GlobalCapture 2.3 and later. If you encounter a code-related issue with Call Assemblies, the expected resolution should be to implement the logic as a custom node, which may require an upgrade to the latest Global Capture version.

  13. Hot fixes for issues are only applied to the newest versions of GlobalSearch, GlobalCapture and other Square9 products.