AWS Configuration

AWS Configuration

Before using GlobalSync, you must log into an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account using the AWS Management Console, a simple web interface for AWS. You can use an existing Amazon AWS account or create a new one. You must also configure your Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) object storage.

Create an AWS S3 Bucket

Amazon S3 refers to repositories as “Buckets.” Square 9 recommends creating a Bucket specifically for GlobalSync.  It is not recommended to use the same bucket for storage needs outside the scope of GlobalSync.

  1. Navigate to https://aws.amazon.com and create a new account, or login to your existing account.
  2. Once logged into the AWS Management Console, under Storage services, double-click S3 to open the dashboard.
  3. To create a new Bucket for GlobalSync, click the Create Bucket button.
  4. In the Bucket name field, enter a unique DNS-compliant name for the Bucket.
    1. Refer to Amazon for information on required Bucket naming conventions.
  5. Select the region that you want the Bucket to reside in the Region field.
  6. Click Create, or click Next and configure additional options for your bucket.  Refer to Amazon's S3 documentation for more information on options available for S3.

Secure an AWS User Account

GlobalSync requires an AWS access key ID and secret access key used together to secure access to your Bucket. To gain the necessary access you will need to create a user that will be used as a service account.

Once the AWS user is created, you will be brought to a screen allowing you to access the user’s security credentials. You will not be able to access these credentials again. There is no way to recover the credentials if they are lost and the user account will need to be recreated if that happens. DO NOT LOOSE THE ACCESS KEY ID AND SECRET ACCESS KEY

  1. Access the AWS security interfaces by clicking your account name in the top-right corner of the AWS screen and choose Security Credentials.
  2. In the Identity and Access Management console Policies screen, click Create Policy.
  3. Click the JSON tab, and replace the policy text with the following:

    Security Policy
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
           "Sid": "Stmt1403202783000",
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
           "Resource": [
  4. Ensure the policy text starts on line 1, and click Review Policy.
  5. Give the policy a name and click Create Policy.
  6. In the Identity and Access Management console User screen, click the Add User button and enter a user name.
  7. Choose Programmatic Access for the Access Type and click Next.
  8. Click Attach existing policies directly, then select the policy created in step 5.
  9. Click Next to provide any additional parameters, and continue moving through the creation screens until the Create User button displays.
  10. Click Create User.
  11. On success, be sure to copy the Access Key and Secret Access Key.  You WILL NOT be able to access these values again, and you need them to configure GlobalSync.

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