Securing Portal Users & Groups

Securing Portal Users & Groups

  1. To configure which user has permissions to the Portal, in the Portal interface, click Portal Permissions.
  2. On the Users & Groups Security tab, from the Available Users & Groups list, using standard Windows selection methods, select users that will have access to the Portal.
  3. Click the Move Right (right arrow) button to move the selected users to the Secured Users & Groups list.
  4. To rescind permissions, select users from the Secured Users & Groups list and click the Remove (left-arrow) button to return them to the Available Users & Groups list.
  5. Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.
  6. Click Save.

     Portal Permsisions

Troubleshooting Tip

For maintenance and troubleshooting, it is a good idea to secure members of the ssAdmin group to a Portal. Be careful when assigning User and Workflow Security, as the ssAdmin group can be removed from a Portal, including the Default Portal.