The GlobalAnalytics Menu

The GlobalAnalytics Menu

Getting Started

Select Workflow Data

  • Select one or more Workflows:
    • In the GlobalAnalytics toolbar, from the Select drop-down list, choose a Workflow to view its analytics separately.
    • Choose All Workflows to view the analytics of all of the Workflows combine.

Select Workflow Date Ranges

  • To view the analytics data for a particular time frame, from the Analytics menu:
    • Select one of the four pre-defined ranges:
      • 1 Week
      • 1 Month
      • 3 Months
      • 1 Year
    • Specify a custom range using the From and the Until time/date-range fields. Click the Time (clock) or Date (calendar) button to toggle between setting a time range and setting a date range.

Workflow Data Charts

Data from the selected Workflows will generate the Workflow Status doughnut chart displaying four process states, along with information about the documents in the selected Workflows. The doughnut chart is divided into four color-coded segments:

  • Processing - The white segment represents documents that are currently in process by the Workflow engine.
  • Queued - Documents waiting in a Queue for a User or System Action are represented by the blue segment.
  • Completed - The green segment indicates documents that have been processed by and are no longer in the control of the Workflow.
  • Errored - The orange segment represents documents whose process has been halted due to an error. Documents can error for a variety of reasons including:
    • Data type mismatch.
    • Connectivity to the database engine.
    • Invalid email configuration.

The chart area shows the total number of documents effected by the selected Workflows, and a breakdown of how many of them are new to the Workflow and how many still remain in the Workflow process.

The chart area also reports the percentage of documents that are effected by the selected Workflows:

  • Documents in Waiting – The percentage of documents that are currently in a Wait Node or in a Queue awaiting further action.
  • Manually Completed –The percentage of documents that have been overridden by an administrator.

Documents can be manually completed at any time, but the most common scenarios for doing so would be for documents in an errored state or documents that must be removed from processing to unlock them from the Workflow engine itself. Note that depending on the process, if you manually complete a document it may be picked up again immediately.