Searching for Documents in a Batch

Searching for Documents in a Batch

Searching  for Documents

You can search for documents using various search criteria. Search by the Process ID number (which is assigned sequentially as each Batch is run), by the name assigned to a Workflow, or by a date or date range.

  1. To search in a Batch with a specific ID number, enter the Process ID the Process ID text box.
  2. To search by Workflow, enter the name or part of the name into the Workflow Name text box.
  3. To restrict a search to a defined time period, enter a date in the From Date and/or Until Date text boxes.

Select or Deselect Documents

  1. To select a document, double-click on it in the Batch List or enable its checkbox.
  2. To select all of the documents in the Batches Pane, on the top-left corner of the Pane, enable the Select All checkbox.
  3. To deselect all of the documents, uncheck the Select All checkbox.

Sorting Documents

You can sort the documents in the Batches Pane by clicking any column heading:

  1. Click once to sort in ascending order.
  2. Click again to reverse to descending order.

Performance Reporting

Batch Manager reporting functionality presents administrators and user with important information on Batch process performance. Delays in document processing can now be seen easily via a graphical interface, allowing them to quickly identify bottlenecks, OCR performance degradation, or a possible need for load balancing.

View History

Step-by-step history of a document through a Workflow can be viewed in the History Process Tab.


The History Tab


View, Edit, and Validate Documents

Documents can error out of a Workflow due to inaccuracies while indexing or capturing, such as a low confidence level in the OCR results, data truncation or mismatched data types. When this happens you can manually correct the errors or delete the documents from the Workflow, provided you have the proper permissions.

To manually correct errored documents, you will need to edit them from either the GlobalCapture Validation Station or the GlobalSearch Document Viewer, depending upon which Workflow the document is in. The pop-up blocker feature in your designated browser will need to be off.