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  • Sort You can…
    • Sort Ascending (up arrow) – Click the Sort Ascending icon to…
    • Sort Descending () – Click the Sort Descending icon to…
    • Remove Sort (  ) – Click the Remove Sort icon to… contextual menu option…
    • Hide Column X ) – Click the Hide Column icon to…
    • Pin You can…
      • Pin Right > ) – Click the Hide Column icon to
      • Pin Left < ) – Click the Hide Column icon to
      • Unpin X ) – Click  contextual menu item.

Archive History Filter

Add intro.  The Archive History , available in the Search Results Grid View, filter opens Archive History box. Has Archive History Filter at the top (enter one of the filter types listed to the right to filter out those type. Does not work on words in the History list, only the designated filter types), then list of steps taken. The Archive History list is sorted from most recent changes to oldest. 

  1. To view a history of actions taken on an Archive, click the Archive History () icon.
  2. In the History list that appears, choose from the following:
    1. Export History () – Show or
    2. Refresh () – Click to refresh the history.
    3. Arrange ?? – Use the ?? (up/down arrows) to move the rest of the choices into view. Click one to filter those type out of the list. Click again to restore.
  3. Click the Close (X) icon to close the Archive History.

Document History Filter

Add intro.      The Document History , available in the Search Results Grid View,… filter shows the history of a single selected document. ...Opens Document History box (enter one of the filter types listed to the right to filter out those type. Does not work on words in the History list, only the designated filter types.)... ) The Document History list is displayed as a single page, sorted from most recent changes to oldest. Note that using the Document History requires View History permissions.


  1. To view a history of actions taken on a document, click on the Document (image of Thumnbail icon for the selected record. (The icon is contextual and depends on the document file type.) icon for a record.
    You will see a message if no document was selected or if there is no history for the document yet.

  2. Click Document History (Image Added) in the Grid Menu, found to the right of the Document List, or click Grid Menu (Image Added) and click Document History from there. Once the Document History pane is open, you can simply click on another Document Thumbnail icon to view the history of another document in the Searh Results List.
  3. To filter to a more focussed list of actions, enter all or part iof a type of history action in the Document History Filter text box.
  4. In the Document list that appears, choose from the following, different icons are shown to represent steps in the document's history. Hover your mouse pointer over the icon to see the name of the step. Use the Up and Down arrows to scroll through the list of actions. Click on an icon to filter that type of action out of the Document History. Click again to remove the filter. Actions may include:
    • Document Viewed (Image Added) – Shows the Document Viewed icon, the username of the person who performed the action, and the date/time that the action was performed.
    • History List – Lists out the actions for the selected document.
    • Document History Toolbar:
      • Export History (


      • Image Added) –


      • Click to export data, docs, and history. You can use this to export the history to a spreadsheet, for example, to better work with a history log.
      • Refesh – Click to ______
      • FILTER_ALL_ON (funnel) – Click to ______
      • FILTER_ALL_OFF (funnel + X) – Click to ______
      • Arrange ?? – Use the ?? (up/down arrows) to move the rest of the choices into view. Click one to filter those type out of the list. Click again to restore.
      • Annotations (Image Added) – Click to ______
      • Appended (+) – Click to ______
      • Check-in/Check-out (


      • Image Added) – Click to ______
      • Converted (


      • Image Added– Click to convert the document to the PDF file format.
      • Copied (Image Added) 


      • – Click to copy the document ______
      • Deleted (Image Added– Click to delete the ______
      • Email (   ) – Click to ______
      • Exported (   ) – Click to ______
      • Indexed/Moved/Appended/Deleted (   ) – Click to ______
      • Printed (   ), Published/Unpublished (   ) – Click to ______
      • Replaced/Updated (  ) – Click to ______
      • Viewed (   ) [used for Visibility, Show All Columns, and Viewed]. – Click to ______

Image Added

Image Added

  Image Added

  1. Click the Close (X) icon to close the Archive Document History.


View Tabs in the Grid View
