Recovery Point / Recovery Time Objectives

Recovery Point / Recovery Time Objectives

Recovery Point refers to the amount of data that CAN be lost. Recovery Time refers to how long it will take to recover.



The Recovery Point Objective for documents is 10 minutes. Square 9 can restore any document from the time that file is synchronized from cache to cloud. Cache sync is immediate, but depending on file size and connection speeds, Square 9 documents a 10 minute buffer. Any file changes and deletes are separately retained in our file set, allowing for a virtually unlimited recovery of documents at all change states. Before a file is synchronized, its recovery can not be guaranteed. A minimum of three copies in three different data centers are stored in a single region post synchronization.

Customers who need more redundant data recovery, specifically recovery that may require recovery across regions, must purchase cross region replication. This feature will sync data across data centers, and across physical regions resulting in a minimum of six redundant copies across two geographic locales. This feature would be required for any customer concerned about natural / man-made disasters that resulted in the catastrophic data loss of multiple physical locations in a single locale.

Customers should refer to the Square 9 TOS for additional details pertaining to the specifics around recovery. Document history may be recovered daily for the last ninety days, or from the last change of a file when the last change was greater than ninety days prior.


Data is backed up nightly, or once approximately every 24 hours. Backups begin on a rolling schedule at 1AM Eastern. Data recovery is only available since the last data backup, which would be in the last 24 hour period or since the last change if the last change was greater than 24 hours prior.



Data and documents can be recovered for 90 days or since the last change if that change was greater than 90 days prior.


The recovery time objective for both data and documents will be dependent on a number of factors.

  1. Time to recovery is based on the customer creating a support ticket, following standard support ticket creation protocols.

  2. The amount of data being recovered may impact the recovery time.

  3. The nature of the recovery event may impact the recovery time.

Square 9 treats recovery requests as Medium priority events unless otherwise requested as High priority. Medium priority requests have an RTO of three business hours. High priority requests have an RTO of 1 hour.

While Square 9 strives to achieve all recovery time objectives, the nature of the request may result in longer recovery times.

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