SFTP Release

Release documents to an SFTP destination using basic User/Password credentials.

If you are looking for the ability to transfer files from GlobalCapture to a remote destination, the SFTP Release node may be helpful. SFTP (Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol) should not be confused with FTP or FTPS, and does not work with FTP/S hosts. All communications are performed over a secure channel, using standard networking ports, offering a high degree of security with minimal network configuration.

Note: Square 9 does not offer SFTP hosting services. If you are looking to release documents to an SFTP destination, you will need to have an SFTP server available and credentials with permissions to write to it.


The SFTP Release node is available in the GlobalCapture nodes gallery. When downloaded, it will be made available automatically in your node toolbox. Drag and drop the node to workflow design canvas to configure the node.

First, configure the connection details:

  • You will need the IP address or FQDN of the SFTP Server.

  • The default port for SFTP is 22. If your server is provisioned on a different port, change it here.

  • User name and password credentials are required.

Next, configure the release options:

  • The Relative Path specifies where to output the file. Leaving this path empty will release files to the root location. Alternately, specify a path, or use notation to create a dynamic path based on data in one or more process fields. Assuming the user account has the ability to create folders, paths (or portions of paths) will be created automatically on demand.

  • File Name is required, and will become the output file name in the destination. Again, you can use one or more process fields to construct a valid file name. Using the notation {p_OriginalFileName} will name a file based on the original file name processed by GlobalCapture. You might also consider using {PROCESSID} to name a document based on the GlobalCapture process that sourced it.

  • Use the Allow overwrite option if you want duplicate files to be overwritten. If this option is unchecked and you release a duplicate file, the process WILL NOT error, but the action will be noted in the process history.

  • Delete files after release should be enabled for any release step that is the last release step in a workflow. This option allows GlobalCapture to clean up after itself. Unchecking this option may be useful in troubleshooting scenarios, but should always be enabled in production workflows.

File Name should not include the extension of the file. GlobalCapture will automatically append the file name with the proper extension.


The node expects two outputs. Success and Failure. The node can write response information from the SFTP host to a process field if further control routing is desired.

Success responses:

0 - Success.

9 - Successful, but no transfer. This is the response if you are writing a file that already exists, without the overwrite option enabled.

Failure responses:

1 - Syntax error. This is an unlikely error, generally caused by incorrect parameters being passed internally.

2 - Uncategorized error.

3 - Directory not found.

4 - File not found.

5 - Temporary error - A retry step in the workflow may resolve such an error. Sometimes arising from exceeding throughput limits.

7 - Fatal error - Invalid accounts, accounts suspended, etc.

8 - Transfer limit exceeded.









Initial release.



Fixes an issue uploading files that have been separated into individual pages.



Improved error reporting in the process history.