Secured Search Menu

The Menu / More Options button (3 vertical ellipses to the right of the search name) allows for functional and layout based configuration.

  • Set To Default
    Defines the default search that should run for the user when the batch manager loads. You can only have one default search and that search will always be notated with a star to the right of its name. This behavior only applies when the batch manger is loaded with no Search ID parameter in the URL. Loading the batch manager is generally through a link like:


    To target or create links for specific searches, provide a search id parameter like (please note that the URL parameter is case sensitive, searchId):


  • Pin On Top
    As the name implies, this allows a user to override a searches order position in the Secured Search list, and will always position this search at the top. Pinned searches are listed in alphabetical order, and will be displayed with a pin icon.

  • Export to CSV
    Clicking Export To CSV button in the Secured Search list will pop up a search dialog. This is the same search dialog used when searching. It will attempt to use any previous criteria, which the user can revert to admin criteria defaults by clicking the Restore Button besides the close button. On click of "Export to CSV" in the dialog, it will attempt to start exporting. The Export To CSV Button in the search list will be disabled until the export finishes.

  • Bulk Update
    This option allows for updating multiple processes in a single step, based on specific search criteria. Click here for more details.