Manage Fields

Manage Fields

GlobalSearch Index Fields are where identifying, searchable information ("indexing data" or "metadata") about documents is stored. There are several different types of Fields and Field configuration, and Field data can be populated by users, KeyFree Indexing, by Workflows, or pulled automatically from the system or another application. Fields are database-specific and every Archive in a database must contain at least one Field.

Types of Fields include:

  • Standard Index Fields – Values which meet the settings (Date Type, length, etc.) for the field are stored in a single Index Field.
    • System Fields –  Index Fields that are populated by the system automatically, with system data, such as the date the document was last modified, or how many pages the document currently has or Fields that can be populated or modified only by a Workflow, with whatever data the process calls for. Users cannot enter data into nor modify data in a System Field.

    • Email Fields - When indexing email files, the system can automatically extract email properties from a mail message.  For the feature to work, you must name your fields according to the follow specification.  Note that fields must be named in all capital letters, and suffixed with a colon.


  • Multi-Value Fields – Multi-Value Fields can contain multiple data points in a single field. An example might be a list of invoice numbers paid by a check.

  • Index Field Lists – Values are set in a predetermined list for users to select from. Pick Lists can be drop-down or type-ahead. Use Lists to standardize Field values and reduce data entry time.

    • Drop-Down Pick List – A List that displays as the drop-down from the Field. The Field can be populated only by a value selected from the List.

    • Type-Ahead Pick List – A List that displays only those values that match what the user is typing (for example, typing U shows UPS and USPS, but type US and only USPS shows). The user can enter a value into the Field even if that value isn’t on the List. If they enter a value that is not on the List, the value they type is not added to the List.

  • Table Fields – Tabular data is presented in a grid format consisting of columns and rows similar to a spreadsheet. (Note that the Tabular Data feature is included in the GlobalSearch Corporate Edition, and optional in the Professional Edition.) Standard Index Fields can be added into Table Fields. This is often used to store line-item invoice or sales order information for GL coding, but can be used anywhere that multiple columns and rows of related data need to be stored.

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