| |
6.3.100 | |
6.3.101 – 6.3.102 | Unused |
6.3.103 | Corrected an issue in GlobalSearch Web where dropdown-lists would not function correctly in table fields for lists with over 100 items Corrected an issue where attempting to open a document in the GlobalSearch Web viewer would throw an error if the document is locked by certain GlobalAction conditions
6.3.104 | Corrected an issue where internal Data Xchange would fail when importing documents from Business Essentials packages on the default installation database Corrected an issue where burning annotations would leave temp files behind
6.3.105 | |
6.3.106 | Unused |
6.3.107 | |
6.3.108 | |
6.3.109 | |
6.3.110 | |
6.3.111 | |
6.3.112 | |
6.3.113 | Unused |
6.3.114 | |
6.3.115 – 6.3.178 | Unused |
6.3.179 (6.3 Minor Update) | Adds support for the GlobalSearch Go client Adds Support for Named Licensing model Improved handling of GlobalAction workflow actions when selected in the GlobalSearch Web document viewer for documents no longer in the GlobalAction Queue Addresses an issue where “Is Empty” and “Is Not Empty” Root Archive Searches on table fields would not return results Addresses an issue where GlobalAction workflow actions can be selected in the GlobalSearch Web document viewer multiple times Addresses an issue where moving or copying documents to an Archive with both Versioning and Convert to PDF enabled would result in missing data
6.3.180 | |
6.3.181 | |
6.3.182 | |
6.3.183 | |
6.3.184 | |
6.3.185 – 6.3.189 | |
6.3.190 | |
6.3.191 | |
6.3.192 | |
6.3.193 | |
6.3.194 | |
6.3.195 | |
6.3.196-6.3.308 | Unused |
6.3.309 (6.3 Minor Update) | |
6.3.310 | |
6.3.311 | |
6.3.312 | |
6.3.313 | |
6.3.314 | Unused |
6.3.315 | Addresses an issue where MultiValue fields are not correctly added to documents via the GlobalSearch Web document viewer if the MV field is tied to a TypeAhead list Addresses an issue where navigating to the Next Doc in the GSW doc viewer while burning an annotation sometimes causes duplicate or incorrect documents to load Addresses an issue where documents with annotations would sometimes throw an Access Exception error when loading a PDF Preview Adds support for pressing “Ctrl+Shift+LeftClick” on a thumbnail in the GSW Search Results window to always open the PDF Preview in a new window (as opposed to using “Ctrl+LeftClick” to open the PDF Preview in a shared window)
6.3.316 | |
6.3.317 | The GlobalSearch Web search prompt now displays long dropdown lists as typeahead lists, similarly to the GSW document viewer Addresses an issue where the GSW doc viewer would not advance to the next document when navigating to the Next Doc if the “Automatically Save Document Changes” option is on and the current doc has an annotation set to burn
6.3.318 | |
6.3.319 | |
6.3.320 | |
6.3.321 | |
6.3.322 | |
6.3.323-6.3.324 | Unused |
6.3.325 | Adds support for Cisco Duo as a third-party authentication provider Corrects an issue from 6.3.117 where the GlobalSearch Web search prompt would not display options correctly for Dynamic Pick Lists if the lists were long enough to be rendered as a typeahead
6.3.326-6.3.328 | Unused |
6.3.329 | Addresses an issue in GlobalSearch Web where the “Refine Search” feature does not maintain values selected for Fields using a Dynamic Pick List Addresses an issue where the GlobalSearch Web Viewer database fails, causing errors loading image files
6.3.330 | |
6.3.331 | |