Create Field Lists
Create Field Lists
- On the Field Catalog toolbar, click Lists. All existing Lists in the database will appear.
- Click the Add (
- Enter a name for the new List in the List Name box.
- Click the Add Value button and enter a value in the New Item box.
- To add more values to the List, press the enter key to move to a new line in the list.
- To delete a value, click the Delete (minus sign) button to the left of the value.
- To add more values to the List, press the enter key to move to a new line in the list.
- You can configure the List to draw the List data from an assembly bound list, with real time binding to a source, like vendor lists in Intuit QuickBooks®. To do so, do the following:
- Click the Assembly Binding button.
- Enter the local path in the Assembly Path box.
- Enter the assembly parameters in the Assembly Parameters box.
- Click Load Data to test the List.
- When the test is successful, click Save.
- Click the Assembly Binding button.