Import Inbox Node

Import Inbox Node

This node applies to GlobalAction only.

The Inbox Import node allows files saved to a GlobalSearch Inbox to be ingested into a GlobalAction workflow.  This approach removes the need for an Initiator Search, and adds the document to an Archive before continuing through the workflow process for that document.

This node will need to be downloaded from the Square 9 SDN before proceeding.

Import Inbox Node
Inbox Import Node settings popup with configurable options for Title, Description, Frequency, Source inbox, and destination archive.
Import Inbox Node Properties

Node Properties


Add a title for this node. Titles are useful when reading the history in the history of a workflow for easier understanding of the overall process.


Provide a synopsis of what this node is doing, or make note of any important details. This is useful for providing additional information such as workflow details and use case information. A good description is helpful when returning to modify the workflow in the future.


Includes settings for Days, Hours and Minutes. By default, this is set to 15 minutes. Setting the frequency is important for how often you’d like for this to execute. For example, if there is a nightly upload we’d want this to run once every 24 hours and can set the frequency to do so.

The workflow will run with the scheduled frequency each time the workflow is saved. Ex. If you set the frequency to 1 hour and save the workflow at 2:42 pm, it will run immediately on save and then again at 3:42 pm and so one. If you were to modify the workflow at 3:15 pm and save, it would run immediately and then again at 4:15.

Data Validation

Data Validation checks to ensure data being added to an index field conforms to the field’s properties such as length and data type. 

  • If enabled, a process error will occur if there is a mismatch.  

  • If disabled, data will populate the field even if there is a mismatch.

Source Inbox

Select the GlobalSearch Inbox from which to import documents. Inboxes are not database specific and documents can be moved to any archive.

Destination Archive

Allows for the selection of an archive within the database you are creating your GlobalAction workflow in.

  • If I choose to make a GlobalAction workflow in the SoundCoast database, then the Destination Archive will only display archives from that database.

Use Case

Documents are being uploaded to an GlobalSearch Inbox on a nightly basis, then picked up by a GlobalAction workflow using the Import Inbox node. This is useful if you have documents with no index data but would like to move them to an archive where they are secured.

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