Condition Node (GlobalCapture 3.1.114 and Earlier)

Condition Node (GlobalCapture 3.1.114 and Earlier)


Use the GlobalCapture Condition Node to build conditional decision making into a workflow process.  Decisions are based on process field data, including some system provided fields like the active Template.  Using one or more conditions in a Workflow allows for intricate document routing in a business process. Each Condition Node is bound to a Workflow Process Field.

Condition Node Settings dialog.
Condition Node Settings


  1. Drag a Condition Node from the Nodes Pane to the Design Canvas.

  2. In the Conditional Node Settings dialog that appears, enter a unique name and a description for the Node.

  3. Select a Process Field from the Based on Process Field drop-down list.

  4. Select a condition from the choices in Condition drop-down list.

  5. Enter a value for the Process Field in Value. You can use S9 Notations for Value variables.

  6. Click Save.

Select Condition

  1. To configure the first set condition, drag a Connection from the Condition Node to the next Node in the Workflow and in the Conditional Select dialog, click condition <A>.

  2. To configure the second set condition, drag a Connection from the Condition Node to another Node in the Workflow. The Conditional Select dialog will appear with condition <B> selected.

Conditional Select dialog.
Condition Node Conditional Select



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