GlobalSearch On-Premise Release Requirements

If you are using GlobalSearch on-premise, but looking to leverage GlobalCapture CTS in Square 9’s cloud, there are a few ways you can allow your on-premise instance the ability to release to your on-premise instance:

Publicly Available GlobalSearch

To release to your GlobalSearch instance, you can make it available publicly if it is not already, to do this, your server must have:

  • Publicly available as an external website and accessible by an external DNS entry/url, ie:

    • To configure this, this may require your IT Team to:

      • Provision a Static IP Address, static IP addresses ensure where your server lives on the internet does not change. You may need to contact your ISP to order one.

      • Install an SSL certificate in IIS instance to secure communication over HTTPS. For more information in configuring this, visit this page.

      • Purchase a domain name (if you don’t have one already) and configure an “A Record” to your external IP address.

      • Configure your firewall to allow communication to your server.

  • A user account and password with security rights to your on-premise instance with full rights to the archive you’re releasing into, including API access rights.

Secured Connection using Firewall Whitelists

To further secure your server from external access, you can configure your server to only be accessed by Square 9’s cloud, to do so you will need all of the above items mentioned under the section “Publicly Available GlobalSearch” as well as:

  • A static IP provisioned for your GlobalCapture CTS Server.

    • To configure this, please contact your Square 9 Authorized Reseller.

  • A rule on your firewall to only allow traffic on port 443/HTTPS to your on-premise GlobalSearch server from the IP Address of your GlobalCapture CTS Server.

Secured Connection using Cloud Bridge

Square 9’s Cloud Bridge product creates a secure tunnel to communicate between your cloud server and your on-premise network. This is an alternative approach to the options above. To configure this, you will need:

  • A Static IP Address, static IP addresses ensure where your server lives on the internet does not change.

    • You may need to contact your ISP to order one.

  • The Square 9 Cloud Bridge client configured to allow access to your Square 9 API Website. Details on how to configure Cloud Bridge is located here.

  • A user account and password with security rights to your on-premise instance with full rights to the archive you’re releasing into, including API access rights.