Submission Behaviors

When a form is submitted by a user, there are a number of things that can happen when the submit button is clicked.  Note that all examples provided below are just for illustration.  Your server and forms will be unique and it should not be expected that a direct copy of any URL provided here will navigate you to a form.

  1. By default after submission, a green status notification is displayed on top of the form indicating success.

    The data entered into the form remains filled.  Clicking Submit again will create a new submission.  This behavior is helpful when you need to enter in batches of data at once, with changes to only certain fields.

  2. GlobalForms can be configured to clear the data in the form with each submission by altering the URL you use for access.  Include the parameter clearonsubmit=true in the URL and the data will be cleared after a successful submission.  In this case, the URL to access a form might look like the following:


  3. You can target a specific website by providing it in the URL of your form.  For example, you may wish to route a user to your company's benefits page after a user completes a job application.  Use the parameter return= in the form URL to redirect users to another webpage.  An example might look like the following:


  4. You can target a default landing page provided with GlobalForms, or you can add an HTML landing page of your own design and target that.  Use the same return= parameter in the URL.  The default page is named Success.html, so targeting return=success.html in your form's URL will route you to this page.  An example link might look like the following:


    You can add your own html files to redirect users to.  Simply place the HTML file into the client\dist\view folder within your GlobalForms installation directory and adjust the return= parameter in the URL accordingly to target the correct success page. Note that you only need the file name and extension in the URL.  A fully qualified domain name is not required here.

  5. The Submit button of your form supports providing custom button logic, allowing you to dynamically set the post submission target.  Open the properties of the Submit button.  In the Button Custom Logic section, you can write any JavaScript rules necessary to correctly handle where your form should route.  Simply set a variable named form.returnUrl to a URL or custom success page (outlined in bullet 4) to have the post submission target dynamically set.  To emulate what happens in bullet point 4 above without modifying the target URL, paste the following into the Custom Button Logic section:

    form.returnUrl = 'success.html';

Submission ID In Return Links

It may be useful in some applications to know the Submission ID, and passing it in the return URL can be leveraged by other forms or applications.  By adding a variable to the return URL in the form of {{ _id }} the variable will be replaced with the ID of the submission created when the form is submitted.  The replacement will apply multiple times, so anywhere the {{ _id }} variable is found will be replaced.

A return URL may resemble:


A simple use case would be to create a "success form" that displays the submission ID in the page.  Rather than using a static success page like "success.html", create a form that extracts parameters from the URL and use it to display the submission ID in another form.  This could be a more interactive success page,  reading something like "Thanks for your submission.  Your submission ID is XXXXX."  Using a form that has no submit functionality for this purpose has the added benefit of being able to customize the specific success message without needing access to the server.