The signature component allows a user to apply their signature to form as if they were using a pen and paper. Whether using a mouse or a touch screen on a laptop or mobile device, one or more signatures can be applied to a form based on rules defined by a form's author. In addition to native signing capabilities, the Signature component can also be used with Topaz Signature Tablets, allowing for a true pen and ink experience. Signatures can be mapped to the hardcopy version of a document generated, like in the case of an I9 or W4.
By default, the Signature component is sized in a manner that will support "in line" signing of the form. Simply click and draw in the signature area to sign.
As of GlobalForms version 10.2, form designers now have the option to sign in a signature box "pop up" as illustrated in the example below. This feature is helpful when the signature is constrained, and it would be difficult to sign in a small area of a form. Many government forms, like the W4 above, require this type of interaction to allow users enough room to sign. Select the "Use Zoom Dialog" option on the Display tab of the Signature Component's setting panel to enable pop up support.